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Article: What did we achieve in 2021 and what can you look forward to this year?

Čo sa nám podarilo v 2021 a na čo sa môžeš tento rok tešiť?

What did we achieve in 2021 and what can you look forward to this year?

One of our principles is not to burn things at the beginning of the year, we allowed ourselves some time to reflect and plan the new 12 months.

Today we will look back together at everything important from 2021. We will share with you what we have learned and what you can look forward to this year.

Let's go. Enjoy reading!


1) New versions of Journals

As is our custom, we have again presented improved Journals .

In addition to the traditional versions, brand new ones have also been added. Yearbook Plus with a separate page for notes, Bulleťák for fans of the BUJO method, the smallest of the Journals: Nápadníček or limited edition Artist Nápadník.

Journal: diaries, new collection for 2022

We have also added new Exercise books – Vandrovník, for all tourists, Sketchbook for visual thinking and Starter, a practical guide for those who want to start their own project or business.

Journal: Exercise books, practical helpers for the Journal

2) A bunch of new products

In the past year, our range of products has grown considerably.

In addition to the already mentioned Journals, we introduced Mordovačka , expanded the offer of stationery and did not forget about practical helpers - Inserts . In total, 21 new products were added in the Magazine category.

Journal: Inserts, supplements to the Journal

3) 30 new Poustrov and support of non-profits

Also in 2021, we brought together skilled local illustrators and the beauty of our nature.

We have brought you 30 new Deserts , from a collection of Tatra mountaineers to the most beautiful tourist spots in Slovakia. Including the new edition of Poustr: Routes with the cult SNPčka and hrebeňovka.

This time too, we donated €4 from each piece sold to selected non-profits. We supported, for example, the climbing association JAMES, or OZ Cesta SNP, and we also contributed to Tatra huts in a difficult period.

In total, in more than two years, this amount reached over €50,000. We thank you!

Poustr: honest Slovak posters, mountains, High Tatras, national parks

4) Project of tourist shelters

My friends from Hikemates and I started a completely new project in addition to Poustrov. We set out on a journey to find a completely new generation of tourist shelters.

Our original intention was to raise €10,000 to organize an architectural challenge. In the end, 1,834 of you supported our vision and campaign , with a total of €61,038, for which we owe you our huge thanks.

Tourist shelters, a new project madebythe: and Hikemates

5) We opened the Brot Books Deli bookstore

The year 2021 was a breakthrough for us also because of our first brick-and-mortar store, the curated bookstore Brot Books Deli .

In addition to book and magazine delicacies, you can also touch Journals and all our products here. Or pick up your order straight away. If you haven't seen it yet, you can find us at Panenská 32 in Bratislava. We will be happy to welcome you here.

Brot Books Deli: Delicacies for your head, curated bookstore at Panenská 32 Bratislava

6) The book Up There

We really didn't lack courage in 2021. That is also why we started our first book. The book Up there, untold stories of Tatra cottages is a testimony about the people and cult places of our mountains.

Through the Donio campaign , up to 1,418 of you supported the publication of the book in the amount of €85,239. So, after less than three weeks, we sold out the initial shipment of 1500 pcs.

We are currently preparing a reprint of the book for delivery in February.

Up There: Untold Stories of Tatra Huts, a book by madebythe: and Hikemates

7) We embarked on the path of ethical sourcing

At the end of 2021, we opened a topic that will have a great impact on all future Journals and our long-term vision.

Ethical sourcing , a sustainable approach to production procedures, obtaining materials and their transportation.

We started with Journals, so now with each product you can transparently see what materials it is made of and what exactly you are paying for ;)

Ethical sourcing, madebythe:


Last but not least, we are pleased that our large community of Journalists has grown by 5510 new members. 👌

What we will not forget

To the huge wave of support for the tourist shelters project that we received.
On the one hand from you, the contributors, and on the other from the architects.
A historic number of 109 studios applied for the architectural challenge, from which we finally selected 3 winners who worked on the designs we presented.

What we learned

We have learned that every project and task we embark on must have a clear benefit at the end for you, our community. And also that as long as we stick to our values, we can overcome even more difficult periods, such as we experienced last year.

What can you look forward to in 2022

We cannot reveal much - it is still too early - but there will be no shortage of news again. And not only about the product ones.

We will once again go one step further in experimentation in production and products.
My friends from Hikemates are planning to build 3 new shelters. We will renovate one more.

We will also continue with valuable content that helps you. Soon also with a new e-book.

And you can also look forward to other book projects with a mountain theme.

Follow our Instagram , Facebook or join our Facebook group , where we will gradually reveal more.


Finally, we want to thank you for your trust.

We believe that you moved on again and learned new things that made you a stronger person.

We wish you many wise decisions, joy and, above all, good health in the new year.

Let 2022 be a new challenge that we will conquer together,

madeby the: team


PS: We did one thing, but we definitely didn't succeed. Take a proper team photo during the annual planning meeting :D

madebythe: team photo, annual planning, meeting

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